Governor Carcieri and the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) will hold a contract signing ceremony for the first American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009 transportation construction project in Rhode Island. The event will take place in the State Room of the State House tomorrow, Thursday, March 12, 2009 at 1 p.m.
This $2.4 million contract with D’Ambra Construction Company, Inc., Warwick, RI, includes the resurfacing of Route 138 in Tiverton. The project will include curbing, sidewalks, and drainage and guardrail improvements, from John Street to the Massachusetts State line. The total length of the construction project is 2.3 miles.
Those invited include the Governor, RIDOT Director Michael P. Lewis, staff from the Governor’s Office of Economic Recovery and Reinvestment (OERR), Tiverton Senators, Representatives and local officials, Rhode Island Federal Highway administrators, and members of Rhode Island’s Congressional delegation.
Following the contract signing those in attendance will be able to ask questions about the project as well as the other 50 projects the ARRA will fund here in Rhode Island.
Contact: Dana Alexander Nolfe 401-222-1362 x4450