# RI.gov: Rhode Island Government

Press Releases


Lincoln Woods Barracks

On Saturday March 9th at 10:47 AM, Troopers arrested Ismael Gonzalez, age 22, of 351 Lonsdale Avenue, Apt. 2, Pawtucket, RI for 1.) Reckless Driving, 2.) Obstruction of an Officer in Execution of Duty, and 3.) Resisting Arrest. This arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Francis Street in the City of Providence. Gonzalez was processed at the Lincoln Woods Barracks, arraigned by the Justice of the Peace, and released with a Sixth Division District Court arraignment date.

On Saturday March 9th at 9:29 PM, Troopers arrested Carlos Delgado Alves age 54, of 44 Hicks Street, Pawtucket, RI for 1.) Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor and/or Drugs – BAC UNK – 1st Offense and 2.) Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test – 2nd Offense. This arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Cleveland Street in the City of Central Falls. Alves was processed at the Lincoln Woods Barracks, arraigned by the Justice of the Peace, and released to the custody of a responsible adult.

On Saturday March 9th at 11:20 PM, Troopers arrested Michael Valeijo Aillon age 34, of 85 Birkshire Drive, Warwick, RI on a Fourth Division District Court Bench Warrant for Failure to Appear for Arraignment with $2,500 surety on the original charge of Operation Under Foreign License, originating out of the Narragansett Police Department. This arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Route 95 in the City of Providence. Aillon was processed at the Lincoln Woods Barracks, arraigned by a Justice of the Peace, and released on surety bail with a future Fourth Division District Court arraignment date.

On Sunday March 9th at 12:33 AM, Troopers arrested Jefferson Karnley age 22, of 12 Steere Ave, Providence, RI on an affidavit and arrest warrant for Possession of Stolen Vehicle, originating out of the Pawtucket Police Department. This arrest was the result of a motor vehicle stop on Steere Ave in the City of Providence. Karnley was processed at the Lincoln Woods Barracks and turned over to the Pawtucket Police Department.

On Sunday March 9th at 5:08 AM, Troopers arrested Brady Shores age 18, of 36 Post Road, Duxbury, Mass for 1.) Driving Under the Influence of Intoxicating Liquor and/or Drugs – BAC UNK – 1st Offense and 2.) Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test. This arrest was the result of Troopers responding to a disabled motor vehicle on Route 95 North in the City of Pawtucket. Shores was processed at the Lincoln Woods Barracks, arraigned by a Justice of the Peace, and to the custody of a responsible adult.

Media Contact: Captain David Bassignani, District "A" Commander, Rhode Island State Police, 401-764-5604 or rispdps@risp.gov

Related links

  • Department or agency: Rhode Island State Police
  • Online: http://risp.ri.gov
  • Release date: 03-09-2025

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