# RI.gov: Rhode Island Government

Press Releases


Wickford Barracks

ARREST: 25RIK2-73-AR LOCATION: North Kingstown

At 3:29 pm, Troopers arrested Tyler Transue, age 40, of 3186 Glengreen Drive Lancaster, Pennsylvania for 1.) Driving Under the Influence of Liquor – BAC Unknown – First Offense, and 2.) Refusal to Submit to a Chemical Test – First Offense. This arrest was the result of a call for an erratic operator and subsequent motor vehicle stop on Boston Neck Road in the Town of North Kingstown. Mr. Transue was transported to the State Police Wickford Barracks where he was processed and held overnight pending his arraignment in Third Division District Court in the morning.

Media Contact: Captain Jeffrey P. L'heureux, District "B" Commander, Rhode Island State Police, 401-764-5604 or rispdps@risp.gov

Related links

  • Department or agency: Rhode Island State Police
  • Online: http://risp.ri.gov
  • Release date: 03-07-2025

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