# RI.gov: Rhode Island Government

Press Releases


Press Release: Final RFP Posted for Washington Bridge Replacement Project

The Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) today posted the final version of the request for proposal (RFP) for the Washington Bridge Replacement Project. It can be viewed as an addendum on the procurement webpage for the RFP.

The initial RFP in December required the companies and RIDOT to provide comments and questions regarding the provisions of the RFP and to work together to clarify the terms and conditions required from the companies' in their responses to the RFP. RIDOT met with each of those companies to discuss their feedback. The final version of the RFP issued today includes changes that were mostly incidences of clarified language and better articulation of the responsibilities of each entity in the final agreements.

The issuance of this final version of the RFP today is accordance with the previously announced procurement schedule. It keeps RIDOT and the competing design-build teams on schedule to complete the review of technical proposals and for the state to make an award by June 6. At that date, the final project cost, schedule, and scope will be defined.

Related links

  • Department or agency: Department of Transportation
  • Online: http://www.dot.ri.gov
  • Release date: 01-24-2025

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