On January 13, 2025, members of the HIDTA Task Force and the Pawtucket Police Special Squad arrested Derrick Dacruz, age 37, of 37 North Union Street 2nd/3rd Floors Lincoln, Rhode Island, for the following: 1) Possession With the Intent to Deliver a Schedule II Controlled Substance – Cocaine; 2) Possession of a Firearm While Committing a Controlled Substance Violation; 3) Possession of a Firearm While Committing a Controlled Substance Violation; 4) Large-Capacity Feeding Devices Prohibited; 5) Large-Capacity Feeding Devices Prohibited; 6) Large-Capacity Feeding Devices Prohibited; and 7) Controlled Substance Conspiracy. Mr. Dacruz was transported to the Lincoln Barracks for processing and arraigned in Sixth Division District Court.
Media Contact: 401-764-5604 Major Kenneth Moriarty, Detective Commander