Governor Daniel McKee has established October 22, 2021, as Family Visitor Appreciation Day to recognize and celebrate family visiting professionals in Rhode Island. The passion and drive of these public health professionals have supported that well-being of pregnant people, young children, and families across the state.
"I am pleased to recognize October 22, 2021 as Family Visitor Appreciation Day," said Governor Dan McKee. "Rhode Island is lucky to have so many dedicated family visitor professionals. They are an asset to our kids and to our communities."
The Rhode Island Department of Health, Executive Office of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Children, Youth, and Families collaborate and oversee statewide efforts to mitigate or prevent poor health and developmental outcomes. Family visitors support the well-being of pregnant persons, young children and families to build protective factors, reduce child harm, and improve child and family trajectories help ensure Rhode Island remains a wonderful place to live and grow. The efforts of family visitors promote a healthier and diverse society where every individual is treated equitable and feels safe.
"We have an amazing team of people across multiple State agencies and at partner agencies who work tirelessly, every day, to help Rhode Island families thrive," said RIDOH Family Visiting Program Acting Manager Sara Remington. "Our variety of no-cost programs offers supports and resources to families so that babies can grow and develop into healthy, happy children."
More than 500 family visiting professionals work to serve families throughout the state with programs such as Early Intervention (EI), First Connections (FC), Healthy Families America (HFA), Parents as Teachers (PAT), Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP), home-based Early Head Start (EHS), Family Care Community Partnerships (FCCP), Positive Parenting Program, Project Connect and SafeCare.
For more information about the Office of Family Visiting, including programs specifically operating under RIDOH (FC, HFA, NFP and PAT), please visit RIDOH's website.