Attorney General Peter F. Kilmartin today announced that he has approved, with conditions, the proposed sale of Westerly Hospital and affiliated entities ("Westerly Hospital") to Lawrence + Memorial Corporation and affiliated entities ("L+M"), pursuant to the expedited review process of the Hospital Conversions Act.
"I am pleased to announce the approval, with reasonable conditions, of the sale of Westerly Hospital to L+M. This is the first time we have reviewed a hospital conversion under the expedited review process, reducing the number of days for review from 120 to 90. I commend the transacting parties and the Special Master for their efforts in providing our Office with the necessary information to make this decision ahead of the April 29, 2013 deadline. All parties recognize the critically important role Westerly Hospital plays in providing quality healthcare to the residents of the area and as an important economic engine for the region," said Attorney General Kilmartin.
"I would be remiss if I did not recognize the work of my staff, in particular Assistant Attorney General and Health Care Advocate Jodi Bourque. There are currently three hospital conversions before this office in various stages. The Office is always mindful, in our role as a regulator, to the balance need to protect the interests of the community, the employees and the state with the economic realities of the rapidly-changing and highly competitive healthcare marketplace," added Kilmartin.