# RI.gov: Rhode Island Government

Press Releases



Flanked by legislative leaders, Governor Donald L. Carcieri today used a State House news conference to push for final enactment of a package of bills aimed at stimulating Rhode Island's economy.

Governor Carcieri and Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation Executive Director Michael McMahon stood together with Senate President William Irons and other members of the General Assembly to trumpet needed investments in adult literacy, biotechnology training and entrepreneurial capital.

"We're here today to talk about ways to build a strong, vibrant economy," said Governor Carcieri. "Through the Rhode Island Jobs Alliance, a wide-ranging coalition of business, labor and government organizations has come together to plant the seeds for economic growth. I am encouraged by the progress that has been made to date, and I am confident that by working together we can create good, high-paying jobs for all Rhode Islanders."

Governor Carcieri saluted members of the Rhode Island General Assembly that have joined with him to advance the Jobs Alliance legislative package and used the occasion to revisit the themes outlined in his FY '04 budget proposal. "We must invest wisely for the future," said Governor Carcieri. "I want ours to be a state that is well managed, competitively positioned and innovative in its use of tax dollars."

Governor Carcieri reiterated his pledge that he will not raise the income tax or the sales tax to meet the projected budget deficit. "We cannot tax our way out this dilemma. I will stand strong and resolute on that front. The only sensible way to address Rhode Island's festering and fundamental problems is to constrain spending, curb spiraling increases in fringe benefit costs and vastly improve the State's business climate. Expanding the tax base through new jobs and new investment will deliver the resources we need to safeguard our most vulnerable citizens and properly educate the next generation of Rhode Islanders," he said.

The Rhode Island Jobs Alliance was spawned by the Rhode Island Economic Development Corporation and the Rhode Island Economic Policy Council and is led by the Governor, legislative leaders and representatives of labor and small business.

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