# RI.gov: Rhode Island Government

Press Releases


Department of Health Applauds Tobacco Control Legislation That Closes Loophole

With the passage of Rhode Island House Bill #5607 and Senate Bill 408aa, it will be more difficult for tobacco vendors to skirt the law. This bill prevents any tobacco vendor who has an outstanding fine from getting a new license for the same location before the fine is paid. The bill also prohibits multiple licenses at the same address by the same owner.

When a business owner who has a tobacco sales license illegally sells tobacco or tobacco products to minors (anyone younger than 18), they may be fined or have their license suspended. Before this bill was passed, there was a loophole that allowed the license holder to apply for and receive a new tobacco sales license before the fine was paid.

“If a business owner is selling tobacco or tobacco products to minors, they are breaking the law and making it easier for youth to develop a dangerous, addictive habit” said Director of Health David R. Gifford, MD, MPH. “Historically, control and oversight of tobacco licensing has not been as stringent as we would like it to be. This bill holds licensees accountable for their illegal actions and makes it more difficult for minors to have access to tobacco or tobacco products.”

This bill was sponsored by the lat Representative Thomas Slater; Representatives Grace Diaz and Anastasia Williams; and Senator Juan Pichardo. In addition support for this bill was given by The American Lung Association, the Woonsocket Prevention Task Force, and other community advocacy organizations.

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