Listing policies

Name File Division Last Revision Date Summary
RIFANS Delegation A-60_RIFANS_Delegation_Revised_Jan_2022.pdf OAC 2022-02-14 Policy explaining the delegation of approval authority when utilizing RIFANS
RIFANS Open Invoice Report A-72_OpenInvoiceReportRIFANS.pdf OAC 2018-02-01 Policy provides guidance for agencies using RIFANS regarding the use of the Open Invoice Report.
Risk Assessment Policy ETSS_Policy_10-25_Risk_Assessment__RA__.pdf DoIT 2022-11-08 To establish policy that effectively manages inherent risk, vulnerabilities, threats, and countermeasures based on the criticality of the information system and data to ensure its confidentiality, integrity, and availability, and achieve an acceptable level of enterprise risk.
Security and Risk Program Management ETSS_PM-1_Security_and_Risk_Program_Management_Rev1.2.pdf DoIT 2023-05-11 The Security and Risk Management Program defines the foundation for information technology security in Rhode Island. It establishes the Statewide information security standards, providing direction for the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) to establish a set of standards for information technology security to maximize the functionality, security, and interoperability of the State’s distributed information technology assets, including, but not limited to, data classification and management, communications, and encryption technologies. These standards apply to all executive branch agencies.
Security Planning Policy ETSS_Policy_10-18_Security_Planning__PL_.pdf DoIT 2022-11-08 To establish policy for the effective management of Enterprise risk via a security planning program to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information systems and data.
Service and Support for Cell Phones, Blackberries and Mobile Broadband Devices DOIT_09-01_Mobile_Devices_Service_and_Support_Policy_4-13-11.pdf DoIT 2011-04-13 The purpose of the policy is to identify the process and procedures, to be followed by state agencies and departments in the executive branch, for proicurement and support of cellular telephones, Blackberry devices, and moibile broadband devices (aircards).
Sexual Harassment Sexual_Harassment_Policy_Executed.pdf DHR 2018-04-02 Sexual harrasment is not tolerated and is grounds for progressive disciplinary action.
SFRF Reporting to US Treasury Policy PRO_GMO_SFRF_Reporting_to_US_Treasury_Policy.pdf PRO 2022-06-07 The purpose of this policy is to document the State’s strategy for meeting U.S. Treasury’s (UST) quarterly and annual reporting requirements for the State Fiscal Recovery Fund (SFRF), to support consistent, accurate reporting. This policy also outlines respective reporting responsibilities of the Pandemic Recovery Office, Grants Management Office, and SFRF Designated State Agencies.
Social Networking Policy IT-10-09_Policy_on_Social_Networking.pdf DoIT 2018-02-28 This policy is aimed at allowing state agencies and departments the benefit of using social networking for the performance of state business, to communicate with the public, protect the infrastructure and legal interests of the State of Rhode Island and assure that adequate bandwidth is available to conduct State business without interruption
State Fleet Operations Policy DCAMM_State_Fleet_Operations_Policy_7-19-19b.pdf DCAMM 2019-07-19 This policy governs the operations of State Fleet including the use, management, maintenance, and disposal of state-owned motor vehicle and related equipment.
State-Additional Business Transponder Request Form AC_167_A-67B_State-Additional_Business_Transponder_Request_Form.pdf OAC 2014-12-01 Rhode Island Turnpuike and Bridge Authority Form for additional businesses E-Z Passes
Statewide Adverse Weather Policy DOA_State_Adverse_Weather_Policy3-14-19.pdf DOA 2019-03-14 To establish parameters and expectations in the event of adverse weather.
Substance Free Workplace Policy Substance_Free_Workplace_Policy.pdf DHR 2023-01-12 This policy is intended to detail the State's commitment to providing a safe, healthy and productive environment for all employees through the assurance that the workplace is free of illegal drugs, establish restrictions on the workplace-related use of legal substances, address fitness for duty behaviors, explain steps to protect and support employees, and assist in providing pathways to treatment.
Supply Chain Risk Management Policy ETSS_Policy_10-30_Supply_Chain_Risk_Management__SR_.pdf DoIT 2022-11-08 Establish policy for the identification, assessment, selection, and implementation of risk management processes and mitigating controls to help manage commercially available information and communications technology supply chain risks.
System and Information Integrity Policy ETSS_Policy_10-29_System_and_Information_Integrity__SI_.pdf DoIT 2022-11-08 To establish policy for effective system and information integrity security controls to safeguard State of Rhode Island information system resources, infrastructure, and data.
System Maintenance Policy ETSS_Policy_10-24_System_Maintenance__MA_.pdf DoIT 2022-11-08 To establish policy for effective and secure maintenance, repair, and diagnostic requirements of information systems and system components, both on-site or off-site, to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.
Systems and Communications Protection Policy ETSS_Policy_10-15_System_and_Communications_Protection_Policy__SC_.pdf DoIT 2022-11-08 To establish policy for effective information system, network, and communications security and ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information resources.
Technology Acceptable Use Policy Policy_00-02_Technology_Acceptable_Use_Policy_2022.pdf DoIT 2022-07-13 To establish policy for the acceptable use of State network resources. Protect employees and the workplace environment through reducing the risk of compromising State data, disruption of network resources, and legal related issues.
Teleworking HR_Teleworking_Policy.pdf DHR 2023-02-24 The Policy defines the State's telework program, provides guidelines for operation. It contains general framework for assessing and approving telework agreements.
Transfer E-Form Employee_Transfer_E-Form_062119_3.2.pdf DHR 2019-06-21 As referenced in the Transfer Policy, this Form must be completed by an appointing authority for each employee they wish to transfer as governed by one of three RIGL statutes.