Report Shows 1,703 Jobs Created or Retained
The Governor’s Office of Economic Recovery & Reinvestment today posted the preliminary data as reported to the Recovery Accounting and Transparency Board, the federal agency responsible for the oversight of the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). The preliminary data is available to view or download at
Rhode Island state agencies submitted ARRA Section 1512 reports for 127 programs in accordance with the requirements of the Act. The files represent preliminary data and are subject to review and modification. The Office of Economic Recovery & Reinvestment is currently completing the data quality review process of these reports. State agencies will make necessary data corrections during the federally prescribed state review period from October 11th until October 29th. Applicable files will be updated upon completion of the state review period. Final reports will be posted following completion of the federal review.
The 1512 reporting process is part of the Recovery Act that requires data to be collected and provided to the federal government every three months beginning in October 2009. Data required to be reported includes:
o Money received and spent during specified reporting periods o Award description o Direct jobs created or retained (and converted to full-time equivalent positions) o Vendor information o Project status
Summary Data from Initial Reports
Total Amount of Awards Subject to 1512 Reporting | $510,675,042.02 |
Total Amount of Disbursements by Federal Agencies | $82,517,659.46 |
Total Number of Payments to Vendors Less than $25K | 341.00 |
Aggregate Payments to Vendors Less than $25K | $818,393.18 |
Total Numbers of Subawards to Individuals | 152.00 |
Total Amount of Subawards to Individuals | $115,893,203.06 |
Number of Jobs Created or Retained | 1,703.45 |
The initial data does not reflect indirect jobs (jobs created by suppliers) or induced jobs (jobs created in the community as a result of a federal stimulus project).
Not all ARRA programs are subject to Section 1512 reporting requirements. Examples of programs that are not required to be reported include: supplemental Security Income payments; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP); unemployment insurance; child support incentives; foster care maintenance; adoption assistance; Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Emergency Fund; and Medicaid (Enhanced FMAP).
The data included in the reports are preliminary and should not be considered final until the verification and validation process concludes at the end of October.