# RI.gov: Rhode Island Government

Press Releases


Office of Governor-elect Lincoln Chafee Announces Plans for Inaugural

Providence, R.I. – The office of Governor-elect Lincoln D. Chafee today announced the planned events for Inauguration Day, Tuesday, January 4th, 2011.

In recognition of the difficult economic climate and in an effort to cut costs, the day’s events will be modest and conducted within a framework of frugality. The theme of the inaugural, in keeping with Governor-elect Chafee’s vision for the future of the state, will be “A Time to Come Together.”

The traditional engagement ceremonies of the state’s five General Officers – Governor-elect Chafee, Lieutenant Governor Elizabeth Roberts, Attorney General-elect Peter Kilmartin, Secretary of State Ralph Mollis, and General Treasurer-elect Gina Raimondo – will be held on the South Portico of the Rhode Island State House, or, in the case of inclement weather, in nearby Veterans Memorial Auditorium. The event is open to the public, with reserved-seating tickets to be distributed to General Assembly members, judicial officials, and family and invited guests of General Officers. Visitors will take their seats on the State House’s South Lawn at 11:45 a.m., and the Processional will begin five minutes later. The ceremony will then commence at 12:00 p.m. Secretary of State Mollis will administer the oath of office to Governor-elect Chafee and Lieutenant Governor Roberts, and Governor Chafee will then swear in Secretary of State Mollis, Attorney General-elect Kilmartin, and General Treasurer-elect Raimondo.

Immediately following the ceremony, the General Officers will form a receiving line at the entrance to the State Room of the State House, where they will greet members of the public.

Governor Chafee will then visit the House and Senate Chambers, respectively, to extend ceremonial greetings to the newly sworn-in General Assembly members.

At 5 p.m., Governor Chafee and his fellow General Officers will take part in the ceremonial lighting of a special WaterFire to celebrate the inaugural. During the WaterFire festivities, each of the General Officers will host a public reception in separate downtown Providence restaurants from which the WaterFire will be visible. Both WaterFire and the public receptions will be privately funded at no taxpayer expense.

Following the conclusion of the WaterFire events, the General Officers encourage attendees to remain in downtown Providence to have dinner and support the city’s great restaurants.

Contact: Mike Trainor Office: 401-222-4029 Cell: 401-252-1097 mtrainor@governorelectchafee.org

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